Some of you know that I am fascinated by a lot of things and ask unrelated questions out of the blue. Some of you want to know how my brain works, me too. There is one subject I have been thinking and talking about for a while now, and that is this social world that we have created. I have the freedom to shave or not, although hardly any girl would feel this freedom, or even think about this as a choice. Personally I do not like things that are expected from me, I want to choose whatever I think is best. And in most cases that is against the social expectations of my environment. It is logical that we have social expectations, that makes life easier. We agree on values and norms, in order to avoid conflicts. The problem for me, however, is that these expectations are based on commercially created values. Companies seeking for profit telling us what to buy and in this way changing our habits. So not based on what is best for us, our health or environment. Think about this: Most pe...